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Christian Counselling Services

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Quick Review

An independent, voluntary inter-denominational Christian organization with the mission to heal, strengthen and restore those broken lives ravaged by drug and substance abuse through counselling based on Christian principles.


Far far away, behind the word, far from the countries.

Our Leadership

Far far away, behind the word, far from the countries.


Far far away, behind the word, far from the countries.

Heal, Strengthen, Restore

The Christian Counselling Services is an independent, voluntary inter-denominational Christian organization with the mission to heal, strengthen and restore those broken lives ravaged by drug and substance abuse through counselling based on Christian principles. We believe that through the power of Christ, the bondage of sin and addiction can be broken and all can be set free. We envisaged that they would eventually become useful citizens and become a blessing to their families, friends and the nation.

Heal, Strengthen, Restore

The Christian Counselling Services is an independent, voluntary inter-denominational Christian organization with the mission to heal, strengthen and restore those broken lives ravaged by drug and substance abuse through counselling based on Christian principles. We believe that through the power of Christ, the bondage of sin and addiction can be broken and all can be set free. We envisaged that they would eventually become useful citizens and become a blessing to their families, friends and the nation.

Over the past 30 years, we have witnessed numerous miracles where recalcitrant hard-core drug-addicts turned over to a new leaf after they have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour. Such works can never be achieved by man. Only God has the power to break this yoke and free us.

Currently, our volunteers are providing in-care Christian counselling to inmates in prisons as well as aftercare services to those who have been released. But many more volunteers with the calling to help those under bondage are still needed. If you have a compassionate heart and a willingness to help, do contact us for more details.

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Our Latest Projects

CCS Thanksgiving Christmas Celebrations

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia

Our Magazine

C-Link Newsletter

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.
We welcome any comments or feedback that you may have on the articles that have been published. Your contributions of articles to or ideas for future issues are most welcomed.

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Services for Those in Need

The service rendered by an individual or an institution to improve the social conditions of society is called ‘social service’. This service is rendered on humanitarian considerations and without any motive of profit. Only those people to whom the interests of society are more important than their personal interests come forward to render social service.

Our company believes that corporate sustainability extends to the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit. We have increased the radius of business responsibility beyond immediate benefit to long-term good, while ensuring the sustainability of the organization.

Company enables an environment of greater consciousness through a process of collaboration with employees, suppliers, customers, and the community at large.

In-care services

Sunday chapel services
Bible studies
Individual counselling
Group counselling

After-care services

Aftercare support fellowship
Mentoring and individual counselling
Spiritual counselling
Group counselling
Job placement
Training and skill development

In-care services

- Sunday chapel services
- Bible studies
- Individual counselling
- Group counselling

After-care services

- Aftercare support fellowship
- Mentoring and individual counselling
- Spiritual counselling
- Group counselling
- Job placement
- Training and skill development

Jack Wong

I grew up in a broken family as my parents divorced when I was very young. I left school when I was in Primary 5. I soon joined some gangs and became involved in various gang activities. I experimented with heroin out of curiosity. But I was soon hooked and became a drug addict. Little would I expect that for the next twenty years, I would be enslaved by the drug and spend my lives going in and out of the drug rehabilitation centres (DRC) and prisons. Read More..

Darren Lim

My name is Darren Lim. At the age of 14, I dropped out of school and joined the secret society. I mixed around with bad company and started smoking and drinking. Subsequently, I experimented with sleeping pills and cannabis. Out of curiosity and encouraged by my peers, I even tried heroin. I was so contented with my carefree life and felt that only drugs could give me a sense of freedom and satisfaction. When I was enlisted into National service, I continued my wayward ways. … Read More

Desmond Teng

Mr Desmond Teng's desire to come forward to help the ex-drug addicts comes mainly from his own experience of God's grace in his life. Having been under the bondage of drugs and subsequently delivered by God, he feels that he is in an unique position where he can effectively minister to those still under the bondage. He understands their struggles between changing for good and succumbing to the desire of the flesh. Read more..

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Focus :

• Sunday chapel services
• Bible studies
• Individual counselling
• Group counselling

Focus :

• Sunday chapel services
• Bible studies
• Individual counselling
• Group counselling